Eventually the day comes when they let go, not to actually move but just to stand still in that space without support. More practice, more falls but bit by bit they let go and take a step, often returning to hold on, each step creating the confidence to try again until they are able to let go and walk on their own. And what freedom they have and what new environments they can experience as a result.

What we want in our lives is like that. We have to be willing to take small steps and fail, get hurt and grasp support and practice and practice until we can finally find balance in our space. Then we have to try moving in a direction we want to go with few or no supports to rely on. Sometimes we will fall, sometimes we will be afraid of trying again, but one thing is certain; we are not going to get to our destination by standing still or laying in a heap on the floor. We have to move to get there. It may be uncomfortable, painful, cause anxiety and even lack clarity but unless we want to vegetate for the rest of time in one spot, we need to move on.
It's easy to try to rationalize all the reasons we can't get going. We might tell ourselves we aren't ready or don't have the right resources. We might make the excuse that it's not the right time, or the destination seems too far away for us to reach without significant risk. But after awhile, the excuses get old and we run out of reasons that make sense to anyone including ourselves and we know we have to stop thinking about that first step and just take it.

How about you? Do you need to let go and try just one step in a direction you want to go? It's great to have a goal but you can't get to it when you are immobilized. Maybe it's time to think in terms of that first step. Maybe you need to phone or get together with someone and take a first step towards making a relationship right again. Maybe you need to make a decision to take the first step towards ending a circumstance that is costing you a price you no longer want to pay. Maybe you know you need to change some things and you need to simply take a deep breath and take one step towards recognizing what is keeping you down or holding you back.
Once babies learn to walk well, they never choose to go back and hang on, moving with trepidation again. They have learned to overcome what once looked and maybe even felt insurmountable and there is no turning back. It is easier to keep walking and maybe even run to a place they want to be after those first steps.
So it should be with the things in our lives that overwhelm us. We need to take one step towards achieving what we think today is insurmountable because after a few steps we won't look back and we will enjoy the freedom our letting go brings as well.

Are you ready? 1-2-3 Go..take that one small step towards a destination you want to reach in life today and each one to follow will get easier.

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