Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1 to Ask, 1 to Reflect, 1 to Pursue, 1 to Change and 1 to Serve

Pieces of a puzzleImage via Wikipedia
Today is 1-11-11. There has been a lot of talk this past year about the significance of the day's numerology but I am not writing to offer any thoughts about that. Actually I think this might be the perfect day to do ONE thing in five areas of your life.

1. First, ask yourself ONE question, " Is the direction I am going helping to give me a life I hope for?" Don't think about what you have accumulated, left behind or still have to accomplish but rather if you can truly feel comfort in where you are heading.

2. Then reflect on ONE aspect of your life that needs more discernment. Maybe a regret you can't let go of or someone you need to forgive. Maybe it is a past you can't change or a future you can't accept. Perhaps you need to reflect on what you have learned from your mistakes or what you have realized from your behavior.

3. Now think of ONE goal you want to reach. Maybe you want to get a college degree or move closer to your family, change careers or spend more time traveling. What are you truly attempting or not attempting to pursue that you wish you could reach?

4. Regardless of what is or isn't working,  our lives are constantly evolving. So, now think of ONE thing you'd like to change in your life. It might be a habit or a behavior or maybe the way you are reacting to a given circumstance. You might want to change something physical or something emotional. Think about ONE change that would really make a difference.

5. Finally decide what or who you will serve in life. Will you serve yourself and meet all of your needs and wants first, serve your family and friends or are you choosing to serve God first? Are you choosing to be obedient to what He wants you to do and where He wants you to go?  Many people think serving God means giving up the "good life" to live without comforts, pleasures or having our needs met. But really serving God first might simply mean to lay at his feet your questions about your directions in life, the area that requires more discernment, the goals you want to pursue and the changes you want to make. Ask Him to make those issues clearer to you and give you a perspective you can't get alone.

Sure there are many things we all want to achieve, change, redirect, ponder and acquire. It is hard to select just ONE.  Maybe the only ONE thing we can select that will make the other areas seem less confusing is to make sure the ONE we choose to serve has the power to change our lives. Our power is limited but His is not.

One to ask, One to reflect, One to pursue, One to change and One to serve. Which One makes the biggest difference in your life? Perhaps just turning to the ONE that can make it all happen is the best way to go.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27


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