Thursday, December 22, 2011


Students Harness Aid for the Relief of the Elderly

Your 11th May of Christmas is simple. Dare to Share. If you want to give yourself one really meaningful opportunity, open up the possibility of sharing one of your talents or one of your interests for the benefit of someone else. 

Volunteer you time, resources, energy, money and/or creativity for use where it can be the most good. Sure, maybe volunteering at a homeless shelter is not for you or maybe you don't want to get involved in certain issues. But there has to be at least ONE cause you feel passionate enough about to offer to help in some way.

If you can't roll up your sleeves and get involved in person, maybe you can helping by contacting others, stuffing envelopes, packing canned goods, shopping for specific needs, collecting necessary staples. ANY way you can be helpful without cost to an organization is significantly appreciated.

English: A KAMS student gives back to the comm...Image via WikipediaI know people who put on puppet plays for children in hospitals regularly and others who collect toys, pet food, blankets and even gift cards to pet stores for animal shelters. A good friend of mine volunteers to help mentor single mothers at an outreach program. A couple I know unload supplies and stock the shelves at a food bank weekly. Volunteering is a privilege and sharing your gifts with others blesses both of you.

Maybe you have always said that someday you wanted to help. Abandon the someday myth because no one knows if they will get another someday. Decide today what you will do it and commit to sharing your talents and excess with someone who would treasure that gift. Hospice programs and nursing homes are always looking for volunteers. Two women in Midwest wanted to make life easier for a man trying to juggle holding down jobs and raising his children while ministering to a love one with a critical illness. They began volunteering to clean his home once weekly. After just three months, more women volunteered and more houses were added and within a year there were over 40 volunteers and 26 clients whose homes were cleaned without charge by people who just saw a need and stepped up to help.
HIGH LITTLETON, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 07:  ...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
What you have to offer might be the only gift someone really wants. Share your resources and you will discover the amazing impact it will make. Someone or something somewhere is hoping you will make the commitment today to not let another year slip by without becoming part of a movement to give some time or energy to a cause you support. Last year I listed several volunteer opportunities and decided to once again list some because everyone can use another's gifts in some way.

Pick up the phone or email today and MAY YOU DARE TO SHARE. I promise a year from now, you will wish you had done it sooner.

Habitat for Humanity 
Nursing Homes
Big Brother Big Sister Association

from this time last year. You see there will always be places and causes that desperately could use what you have. It's up to you to decide no more some, MAY YOU DARE TO SHARE.

"then they will ask, Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in,or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?" and the King replied, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."Matthew 25:35-40
  English: Gulfport, Miss., April 27, 2006 - Mem...Image via Wikipedia

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