Sunday, December 18, 2011


eat as much as you canImage via WikipediaHow many times each day do you think, "I'm hungry." or hear another say that to you? While our body clock often reminds us how long it has been since we have filled it, we often have another kind of hungry and often don't "feed" it nearly as much if at all.

It is as important to feed your soul as it is to feed your body. It is as important to seek what inspires you or validates you regularly. The hunger we often deny or simply ignore may be even more critical than the one that constantly gets our attention. When you have a difficult time putting your finger on just why something is not quite right, you may be experiencing a hunger that needs you to take time and discover what will really satisfy it. Sometimes it is a hunger that is asking you to be less anxious or less stressed, sometimes it is a hunger wanting you to take some time and discover what is really important. Often it is asking you to make some type of spiritual connection with something bigger than yourself. You can try and ignore it but a soul hunger will return regularly for without satisfying your soul you really will never be truly sated.

Going through rituals and routines will only take the place of whatever your soul needs to fill it for a short time. When your soul is hungry, nothing you feed your body really matters, nothing you are doing really has purpose, nothing you have makes a difference. You know you are "happy on the outside" but "empty on the inside." You could stock up on many material pleasures from food to activities to numerous possessions but still walk away hungry, questioning, "What do I really need?" "What would really satisfy me?"

Christmas is a wonderful time to search for ways to fill your soul hunger. You might want to consider a bible study, or small group reflection. Maybe you want to make time for your own personal search of what God is desperately trying to fill you with that you have never sampled and just begin to take a small bite and see if it fills the void.

On the 7th Day Before Christmas:

There are no calories you need be concerned about when you start filling your soul, no allergic reactions to the spiritual food you choose to swallow, no remorse tomorrow about over indulging today. It is not only a win/win situation, it is a win/sin situation. You can't conquer what competes for your time, your energy and your attention without some true soul food.spirituality                                                   Image by Loulair Harton via Flickr

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