Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not So Much

Back to work, reality and way too much to do. Really, I think the best resolution anyone can make sometimes is to decide not to do something or at least not to do so much of something. I might be more inclined to try and keep those types of resolution.
Knowing how hectic life can get and how coming back from a little time away often requires another "time away" just to catch up, I am going to resolve NOT to worry too much, expect perfection from others (Lord knows, I could never expect it from myself), not to dwell on what I did not get accomplished, not to let the unexpected throw me for a loop or let the expected make me feel that I fail if I don't meet all the standards. I want to resolve not to miss an opportunity to take time out for a friend, to smell the roses or even the stuff that gives me scratchy eyes because it still is worth it, not to forget that sometimes getting to be with kids allows me the right to act like one. I resolve not to try to pack 30 hours into a 24 hour day and not to miss the best of the day trying to handle the "rest" of the day.
That said...I resolve not to blog just to blog and most of all not to live just to get another day under my belt, but to really savor the moments I am given, whether with a screaming child, a naughty dog, a tired hubby, a frustrated friend or any of the many situations I know are coming...SO remind me of this the next time I look overwhelmed, like maybe tomorrow because I resolve NOT to keep my resolutions alone. How about you?

What do you really want to accomplish this year?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder that we need to savor everyday and not just "get through it"



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