Monday, February 22, 2010

On Oprah

Imagine Oprah called you and told you that you could be a guest on her show if you could convince her that you have something to say that will make a difference in the world if you could just get enough people to PAY ATTENTION!

What are you going to share with all her listeners that needs hearing?
What are you passionate about that you believe could really "take off" if just given the right kind of publicity?

We get ONE life. We can plod along and live a fulfilling life but really still not make a difference or we can look at each day and become determined to use our gifts, our experiences, our circumstances, our passions, our disappointments, our creativity, our contacts, our failures, our resources, our influence, our rejections, our knowledge or whatever we have to make a difference. We can sit around and talk about something we think we should do to make a difference or we can begin to do it.

We just need to remember ONE thing 
In ROMANS 14:12, we are told....So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. 
 So what would you say on Oprah and what are you going to do about it to make sure you made the difference when you give your account?

There is no chance like the present to make even ONE difference.

 Maybe Oprah should really see all the results!

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