Friday, February 26, 2010

Your Calling Card

Most people when asked what they do readily rattle off whatever their job description is. They quickly become the career that defines them. We are teachers, mothers, therapists, office personnel, business owners, nurses, and any number of other professions.  But that is just what we do. That may not really be what is on our calling card. 

In Matthew 28:19 we are reminded to "...go and make disciples of all nations..." Jesus doesn't tell us only to do so if we are members of a religious sect. He simply states this is to be our calling.
We might do that in various guises but no matter what our profession we are to "...make disciples".

February happens to be a big birthday month to some of the most wonderful people who have ever entered my life. They came from different backgrounds, circumstances and definitely have different careers but if asked to see their calling card, without ever looking at their job description you could easily see they are "working for the Lord". They do whether raising children or grandchildren, running an office, mentoring others, owning a business, offering a shoulder, a cup of coffee, a smile  a prayer or an encouraging word. They bring the brightest of light in the darkest of days.

 I have known some of them for decades and some have become close to me recently and yet I know that regardless of what they do, they hold the same calling card. The example of their lives has been to live to make disciples. These are some of the most special women I will ever have the pleasure to do life's business with.

Whether we are employed in or outside of the home, that is what we need to remember; that we work for the Lord; that our calling cards  have all been issued by the same divine authority and no matter what we do it is incredibly important because it was assigned to us by a gracious God who does truly know what we do best. Next time you kiss away a boo, boo, fold the laundry, take time to listen to a colleague or just sit with an aging parent think of how lucky you are to be assigned this job by the one who thought only YOU could do it the way He wants it done.

Happy Birthday to Judy, Peg, Pat, Margaret and Sharilyn. Having you in my life has been a true blessing. You are a wonderful inspiration to those who know you! It is a delight "doing life" with all of you!

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