Thursday, March 4, 2010

ONE Question

He has 2 children; one  graduating this year who may want to go into music therapy, loves Norman Rockwell, married in his 40's, and questions whether the organized union workforce has done more harm than good. I trust him with one of my most precious gifts...My Sight! and I learned all this about my ophthalmologist by simply asking where he got his great tie!

 The gentleman who paid a house call to look at my grandfather clock needing repairs used to be an EMT, makes his own cheese, has found some awesome signed copies of books in second hand stores and was surprised  at how domesticated a rat can become whenever his wife brought one home.  And I learned all this when I asked him if he liked dogs while my large weimaraner stood poised to lick him to death.

 Yes, people are busy and often don't have time for a real conversation but sometimes just a comment can make a difference in their day as well. One comment might cause them to reflect, consider, rediscover and even be pleasantly surprised.

Think about who you encounter but seldom do more than "business as usual" with. How does your mail person enjoy the driving? What does your child's teacher do in his/her spare time? Does your hairdresser hope to ever have a shop of her own? You might learn a lot more than you ever imagined but just opening the door with a comment.."I like that ___where did you get it?" "Did you always want to be a______."  Most people have a story they would love to share

Don't you love it when people notice you...Think in reverse...they do as well!
Next time you are with  someone who helps make your life better...Ask ONE Question.

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