I am an adoptive parent of a lovable weimaraner named Einstein who without a doubt was meant to be in our home.
Looking for an "adoption" or rescue service, I visited several that rescued weimaraners but didn't "connect" with any immediately and then a casual meeting with a client produced a person's phone number and name, who I was told had a charming brood of weimaraner rescue dogs near where I lived.
That's how I located Bonnie Wallace, who devotes part of her life to rescuing and finding the best homes for these "grey ghosts". After we met all her rescued dogs, we selected a few to visit our home the following night. Einstein (not his name then) was among the animals Bonnie brought to our home. Bonnie is very astute about the types of homes each of her dogs would thrive in. Although all the same breed, she is in tune with their personalities, quirks and disposition so acutely that it was immediately apparent that we were meant to be Einstein's family. Now, 5 years later, we couldn't agree more with our choice and love that Bonnie will board our dog when we need to be out of town or an emergency occurs. He loves running back into a home of his "former family" filled with weimaraner friends and continuing our friendship with Bonnie reminds us daily of how many circumstances really happen for a reason.
You see, Bonnie is a recent cancer survivor, who never abandoned the care she gave her animals even in the worst of her recovery. She works full time at a "day job" and regardless of finances and health issues, always makes sure her dogs have the care they need. She has committed to finding these dogs a good home and will keep them until she thinks the right place is available even if it means any extra money must go to vet visits, food or finding another blanket for one newly rescued. Bonnie has truly demonstrated to me the meaning of responsibility in the face of obstacles and the power of developing trust through dedication and gentle coaxing. I might have easily just felt sorry for the animals and moved on, but Bonnie did something years ago and continues to be the safe haven for those without a voice.
Getting to know Bonnie and finding Einstein also reminds me that little in life is random. Bonnie does not have a web site or advertise. I found her not the way I initially went about looking for a rescue weim, but because I happen to be the one working with a client who knew of her. Maybe the client pressed the paper with Bonnie's number into my hand....or maybe God had a hand in blessing me with a great dog and a wonderful new friend I may have never found. I prefer to think that is how a lot of our life works. We think we are in control of what we want to do and then something as simple as a phone number or chance meeting changes everything.
If you are looking for a wonderful dog, feel free to let me know. I will be happy to have Bonnie get in touch with you. Maybe it is not just fate but meant to be for you too. If you can't adopt a dog but want to contribute some blankets, pet store gift cards or other assistance, I know she would be very grateful.
Bonnie is one of my Know Buddies because I came to know her not of my own efforts but because I believe it was orchestrated in the grand scheme of things to be. I could not be happier and neither can Einstein!
If you'd like to read Bonnie's entire story, she shares it in the book ONE MORE SERVING. It is not only incredible but truly inspirational.
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