Monday, June 7, 2010

What you See is Not Always What You Get

Father of the Eye - HDRImage by ~Dezz~ via Flickr
What's the first thing you notice about someone?  Many people would say it is how someone looks. We might immediately notice whether a person is young, old, well dressed or wearing well worn clothing, clean or needing better hygiene, smiling or appearing stressed or sad.

But that is all we really know when we look at the eye candy or lack of it. We only know what we see. We don't have a clue about much else. We can stereotype the person based on our biases or previous experience but we might be wrong. The problem with eye candy is that it is often not what we expect. Like a yummy looking dessert that tastes spoiled once we sample it or a questionable dish presented that we are surprised we truly like, we often form our opinions about others based on eye candy.

But what if we took another glance and made our decision to interact with someone based on other responses. Responses like what they do if we smile and say hello, or if we begin a conversation or sit beside them, hold a door open, offer assistance,state an opinion, or ask a question. Like those desserts or new foods, we might be surprised. Someone we expect to befriend us might not be as friendly or accepting of us in their space while someone we think we may have nothing in common with may turn out to be a delightful new friend.

Eye candy can be just that...only something we notice.  What is the first thing you think others notice about you?
Has your eye ever deceived you when it came to another person?

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  1. This is a thought-provoker! My eyes have absolutely deceived me when it comes to assessing others. People who've looked lovely and kind have turned out to be downright scary, and some people who've been considered unattractive by "society" have been very precious to me.

    I like to think that we can change our ways and make assessments of people by things other than appearance, but how do we change that habit?

  2. Kelly, thank you for your comment.I agree that changing our behavior would be difficult. I try to remember that some individuals never choose the way others perceive them and I just have to daily ask the Lord to help me be open minded. Once you hear others' stories it somehow reveals things in a truly different light.



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