Sometimes I can completely understand how something disrupts "regularly scheduled programming." I usually am annoyed and sometimes completely frustrated but I must admit that sometimes what is searching for a signal is ...ME!
Did you ever wonder what you were really supposed to do with your life? Ever wonder how you would handle an unexpected detour or unforgiving experience? Have you ever felt like every way you turned presented some obstacle and there was no clear path in sight? I know I have. I have often been "searching for a signal."
Sometimes we look for a sign or signal in the encouraging or discouraging words of others or perhaps you have searched via dreams, websites, support groups, counseling or any combination of those things. Sometimes you might even have searched through prayer.
But how do we know that what we think is a signal or sign is really that? How do you know that the signal you receive is one you should give your attention to? Haven't you ever followed what you thought was a sign and then became even more confused or unsure of any direction to go? In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells his people, "for I know the plans I have for you. Plans for you to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." I have always loved that verse and yet some days I wonder why God just doesn't make those plans so apparent that I will be guaranteed to know them.
It's then that I realize I often see what I am looking for; what I want rather than what hope not to see. Sometimes, our signals are not ones we dreamed, hoped or prayed for and yet they might be the very signal we were supposed to get. Some of the stories I told in ONE MORE SERVING http://www.onemoreserving.com are the results of signals that were not necessarily ones hoped or searched for but ones that needed heeding and required action. A minister at a church I attend says we should not necessarily pray for a miracle but rather for an opportunity. Given that we always want what we want, maybe it is difficult to see a signal that is not what we expected. But, if God has our best interests at heart and knows His plans for us, would it not be unfortunate to disregard a signal that could change our lives by God's standards rather than ours.
While I will continue the venue of this blog, I will be launching a new blog site soon, talking about the more controversial issues in our world and hoping to gain a perspective from all readers whether Christian or not, because sometimes in our search for signals, we must be open minded to find God not in our box but in His world. I hope you will also join me there. Coming soonhttp://thislittlechristiangoestomarket.wordpress.com/
I hope you will join me there an offer comments, suggestions and real discussion.
How about you? Are you still searching for a signal? Did you follow a signal you received or are you trying to ignore one you wish you never recognized?
I will set up a link and follow you. Your message is timely as the past two days the "signs" have been a topic of conversation. Read one at cycleguy blog today and also at church last night.
ReplyDeleteFor years I waited for a sign or Bill Cosby's voice booming down. Funny how when I just sought to understand what God's Kingdom come and His will be done meant, how he showed me there are signs, signs, everywhere a sign...(oops couldn't stop myself) of what I can do to become a part of His kingdom through the paths I have already taken and what He did to save me from myself...That's just the part of the body I am. Look forward to following this thread on the great signs I am sure God has given to many and your new blog!
Thank you Tom. I am humbled and pleased to have you following me. I hope you will find the blog inspiring and especially keep in touch regularly to share how observing and reacting to the signals is turning out!