Or you can be part of something bigger. You can follow and comment from a perspective unique to you.
Lots of blogs are the writer's perspective, but I am hoping that you will become a vital participate in the adventure I want to offer you at http://thislittlechristiangoestomarket.wordpress.com/
I am not looking for pat comments although I certainly won't oppose them. I am looking for insights, answers, more questions and suggestions. I want to know how you personally see an issue and what your views are about it. I know that those of us who are Christian are asked to look at the world through the len's of a Christian worldview and I hope we can do that by letting those who don't have the same lens at least take a look at the world and voice their perspective.
One person's issues and concerns may not hold the same meaning to another and yet doesn't God want us to hear each other out, listen to one another's opinion, consider our fellow man's needs and plights and above all, accept one another as children of God? If He is the creator of the universe, that means He created those that do not share the same perspective.
I will continue to develop ONE MORE SERVING's blog with what I hope you find is wonderful information and purpose, but I would also ask you to join me in responding to the real life questions I know you ask daily at
I think you will like the first post. It concerns, you and me and anyone who wonders what and who we trust.Come visit, become a regular follower, offer comments and even suggestions for posts. This is a blog about my world, your world and a God bigger than both.
SEE YOU IN THE MARKETPLACE.http://thislittlechristiangoestomarket.wordpress.com
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