Image by kalebdf via Flickr
I know who you are. You have been my strength when I was weak, my conscience when I was thoughtless, my salvation when I didn't have a prayer, my hope at the bleakest of days, my sunshine when there was rain. You have laughed my best laughs and cried my worst cries with me. You have listened to my crazy ideas and sometimes even approved of them. You have been there to celebrate my highest highs and to pull me through my lowest lows.
True girlfriends may know you better than you know yourself and they still love you in spite of that. You don't have to ask, "Does this make me look.......?" or "What could I have possibly been thinking?' because a true girlfriend already knows.. They share lipstick, clothes, boyfriends, secrets, homework, parenting tips, diets and the kind of love no one really knows unless they too have girlfriends. True girlfriends know all of your firsts and will be there for the lasts.
Girlfriends will not only encourage you to climb your mountains, but even help you believe you can do so barefooted. They believe not only in your worth but invest time and energy when there is little reward. They fight your good fight when you are out of ammunition.Girlfriends add a dimension no one but another girlfriend can understand. We argue, debate, love, protect, defend, inspire, redeem, encourage, console, amaze, and believe in one another, We have prayed with and for one another. If a country was run by girlfriends....well you get the idea.
I have some girlfriends that have known me before I got a driver's license, graduated high school or married my other BFF. We may not see each other regularly but whenever we do get together we can catch up like there was never any time lapse or distance between us.
Our girlfriends love us for who we aren't just as much as our family loves us for who we are.
From our girlfriends we have learned about the most intimate parts of our hearts and souls that have helped make us better daughters, wives, mothers, sisters and of course girlfriends.
So today, give a shout out to the ladies in your life that you could never do without. We have done pajama parties, sorority mixers, bridesmaids luncheons, baby showers and hospice visits. We have been there, done that and will do it again when a girlfriend needs it.
Like water and air, having girlfriends is a necessity. We love our families, spouses and children but we need our girlfriends in a way that seems almost divined by heaven.
Emily Dickinson once said, "my friends are my estate." So, I am rich beyond measure to have known the ladies I have known. It is impossible to thank each and every one of you for the place you have in my heart.
Just know, "...I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you."
Hey, Love you, girl!
Thanks for alerting me to "girlfriends' day," Kathy! I will link to this in my friendship series.