Monday, February 14, 2011

Finding Your Sweet Spot

Sweet-spotImage via Wikipedia
Jacques Torres chocolates...mmmmImage via WikipediaIn sports, the sweet spot is said to be the exact place on a baseball bat, tennis racquet or golf club where you can produce a most highly effective swing with very little effort.

Today is Valentine's Day, a good day to indulge in sweets without feeling guilty and to treat your "sweetie" with something special. Sometimes, I think Valentine's Day goes for the merchandise overkill award.  I don't know about you but while I love flowers, perfume, jewelry and romantic evenings as much as the next woman, I am far more moved by genuine surprises when there is no holiday. 

Today,rather than relying on another to make your Valentine's Day, special, why not use it treat yourself? Why not spend the day reflecting on what your sweet spot is? What is it that brings out the best in you effortlessly because it is part of a passion or gift that comes naturally and enthusiastically? What do you really want in life passionately? What is it that you dream about that would make you excited to get out of bed in the morning? Where is your sweet spot? Is it a skill or talent that you wish you had more time to pursue, a goal you want to perfect, something that you look forward to continuing to work on because you want to really become exceptional?

Sometimes what we are really good at effortlessly, is not a result of habit as much as it is a result of passion, purpose and even failure. Whether,to be the best parent, partner or professional or paint a masterpiece, publish a book,or create a legacy, maybe you have already discovered your sweet spot and feel like you are living it everyday but chances are like many other people, you might find your sweet spot in places you never dreamed it would be. 

Don't discount where you are now or what you are doing as something without purpose. Look for the direction it can take you towards finding your sweet spot. Maybe the circumstance is just crying for you to change your stance, your approach or your delivery so that you can find the sweet spot unique to you. The sweets on Valentine's Day are temporary, your sweet spot in the life you want can last forever once you know what you have to do to have it feel that way.

Everyone has a sweet spot. What are you doing to find yours?

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