Friday, December 16, 2011

On This 4th MAYof Christmas

Chemo treatmentImage by jennifrog via Flickr
It would only take most of us a moment to realize how amazingly wealthy we are. Oh, we may not have  millions in the bank, own several homes, a private jet and go on regularly scheduled exotic vacations, but most of us have treasures we would never give up; not even for several million dollars.

You would never give up your eyes voluntarily for money, or your ability to walk or talk yet we take advantage of having these priceless treasures every day seldom realizing how many riches we already have. If you are not trying to beat a terminal disease, or facing homelessness or trying to put your life together again after a major tragedy, you have been afforded riches. 

I can't see you, but I can hear youImage by Ed Yourdon via Flickr
It's so easy to forget how priceless our most important necessities are. We complain about our schedules or the countless errands we have to run. We are frustrated about our dwindling retirement investments and how hard we must work. We complain about the time it takes to clean our homes or the many social obligations we must handle. We forget there is someone whose social schedule is only filled with dates for chemo treatment, forget how someone who is homeless may love a home to clean, forget some would love to have a retirement account to even worry about. 

From now on, affirm one of your riches daily. It shouldn't be hard to find them. If you are not ready to turn over your speech, your health, your hearing, your ability to walk or drive or any of the other incredible riches you own, then on this 4th May of Christmas,


A homeless person sleeping on a street in Clev...Image via Wikipedia

What is your most priceless possession? It most likely is not something you can buy, but when you realize all that you would never trade for any amount of money, it may be hard to pick just one that is priceless.

"Where your treasure is there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:21

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