I thought I would have a little fun with this blog post and list the 10 things I would do differently if I knew the world would end within a very short time. So, here goes my list:
1) I would spend what I had on travel to the places I want to see.
2) I would stop saving for retirement and maybe even for a rainy day.
3) I would forget about laundry, cleaning and cooking and let someone else do those things for me or simply not be concerned with how my home, my meals or myself was presented.
4) I would make sure my relationship with God was where I wanted it to be.
5) I would stop working and start living for the moment.
6) I would not care what did not get weeded, bought, painted, cleaned or recycled.
7) I would not worry about paying bills or taxes.
8) I would gather my family and loved ones and be with them and pray for our salvation.
9) I would not step on a scale anymore.
10) I would ask forgiveness and mercy for any wrongs I had failed to right.
Oh, and maybe I would also rescue a few more pets and give them a happy, free life at least for a short time.
The truth is that none of the items on my list needs to wait until the world is about to end. Sure, if I chose not to work, weed, pay bills or taxes or even get on a scale there would be consequences but I do have a choice, I don't have to wait until the end of time. The same is true for asking forgiveness or establishing a strong relationship with God.If we waited until we knew the world was going to end, we might miss the best things in our life because we had not acted upon what mattered most. Most people have a frame of reference about what they want their life to look like and try and structure their actions to get to their goals. Does it always work out that way? Absolutely not, but that neither means we should choose to live irresponsibly and without a moral compass or that we should live so conservatively we never take a chance.
Harold Camping thought he knew what God said no one would know. In Mark 13:32, we were told not even the angels know the day or the hour of the coming of our Lord and yet somehow Harold Camping believed he could outsmart God and prove the end was on his timetable instead. He is certainly not the first one to predict the end of times as we have been given dates by a variety of sects and religions since the earth began.These predictions provide reporters with a few days of great sensational fodder but it should also give us something more to think about.
We don't know when either the world or we will end. An incident, circumstance or even an encounter with someone you have never even met yet can make your world change drastically in a better or less fortunate way. We don't know what will happen in the blink of an eye regardless of all our plans, hopes and dreams. We do all we can do...and the rest is up to God.
It's easy to take a look at today and assume we will get a tomorrow, but someone some where will not and some day that someone will be me and some day, you. When your defining moment comes along and hijacks your life, like it did to those who told their stories in ONE MORE SERVING, you will be ready to take the next step in God's plan for you. We don't have all the answers but if we live our lives as though each day were our last the best way we can, given our personal circumstances, then we won't worry about what we left unsaid or undone. We will know we have done our best and given God the rest.
Love your post, Kathy. Darlene is right. We should have lunch sometime before the world comes to an end...