A little more than 72 hours ago, I was told that my husband (and I) had dodged a bullet. While my husband knew a little more than a year ago he had aortic stenosis (narrowing of the largest heart valve), we were told that in 5 years or so, he would probably have surgery. He was very good about keeping regular appointments with his cardiologist but this April when his three month check up arrived, I decided I would come along. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew that my husband seemed more tired than usual. He would deny it saying it was only because of playing softball, racquetball or the continuous remodeling he did adding rooms, French door, siding and porches onto our house...but I have been best friends with this guy since before I could legally order a drink and I knew it was more.
His doctor decided to do an echo cardiogram which my husband had a little more than a week ago and after viewing the results, blood work and a stress test was schedule. Normal procedures, but moved up from the June date they were originally scheduled for after I shared my concerns with the cardiologist at that April visit. Yes, I do think God encouraged me to attend that appointment.
Image via Wikipedia
Just 7 days ago, my husband and I went to a friend's wedding and celebrated his birthday weekend which included golfing. Six days ago my husband came home from work and cut the grass. 5 days ago he played softball and I watched him catch fly balls and run the bases not for one game, but for two as they playing a double header that evening. 4 days ago, he came home from work and went to the driving range(an activity he wanted to begin to do weekly once the weather was warm) and 3 days ago, I got a phone call from a doctor telling me that my husband had passed out during his stress test and to meet the doctor at the hospital where they were next doing a cardiac catherization.
After the catherization, the doctor met with me and told me that while all the arteries were clear, my husband's aortic valve was functioning at less than 10% capacity and in his words, "...you have really dodged a bullet, he was hours not days away from a probable heart attack". Open heart surgery was scheduled for 8 a.m. the next morning.
Staying over night with my husband, neither of us slept but we talked and prayed and most of all comforted one another with the thought that this was God's plan. Surgery was scheduled for Friday the 13th and for us, that was an omen. You see, I met my husband on a Friday the 13th, got his fraternity pin on a Friday the 13th, engaged on another Friday the 13th and we married the day after a Friday the 13th...for us, this was just God's way of telling us it was "the right time."
I can't remember much about Friday except not wanting to let my husband's hands go as he went to surgery and feeling the tears overwhelm me with a sense of profound exhaustion and anxiety. I had wondered, "Did we say it all, do it all, what did we leave undone?" and then I remembered something I had read in a fabulous devotional called, Jesus Calling just a few days before, "Come to me with confident expectation. There is nothing you need, I cannot provide." I also remembered reading that if we are not confident in the Will and plan of God that it demonstrates we think we know what is better than God. In that moment, I whispered that I knew He had it all under control and that I was sure I should expect another miracle.
You see, my husband could have met with a much less favorable outcome had he suffered a heart attack while playing ball, on the golf course, while on the ladder doing repairs or even while driving, but God made sure that he was at a hospital having a stress test when the outcome became obvious. God allowed us to be in good hands from the moment he passed out and in my heart, I believe that God had "talked" to us by choosing a 13th...a date for us that we celebrate monthly since we first met.
On a few other occasions, I knew God directed me as well. I am so totally sure of it that when I tell others the story about those events as well, even unbelievers agree that it does seem to be more than just fate. I need no convincing. To some, perhaps my husband and I have dodged a bullet but to us, we have simply been guided by God's providence once again. I don't win lotteries or sweepstakes but I don't want luck. I will take the blessings of the Lord any day.
2 days ago I saw more than 29 tubes all over my husband's body covering his legs, neck, arms. I have worked in a hospital and honestly not seen anyone quite so surrounded by medical technology but today he and I went for a walk, only around the nurses station but still a walk...and without 1 tube attached!
Image by Dudus Maximus via FlickrSomeone asked me would I have believed it was God's will if the outcome had not been successful and I know one thing. I would have been devastated, but yes, I will always believe God has it all in control, because I know that everything in my life I did not try to control turned out far better than the things I so desperately thought I knew how to handle and smiling at my husband tonight and hearing him say, "we are so blessed." makes me realize that he is glad he had little control over when to have this surgery as well...it is behind him and our God still is in front of us.
You might believe in fate, coincidence or even luck...but for my husband and I, well we have been blessed not just now but several times by nothing short of miracles. Miracles daily, but we often only notice when we are caught off guard. I don't believe God will always give me my miracles...just His, and someday my miracle will hopefully be to join Him in eternity.
Have you had your miracle yet? Are there things in your life you once thought were the results of fate or just random acts that you have come to believe may have just been miracles even some you weren't looking for but that found you?

His doctor decided to do an echo cardiogram which my husband had a little more than a week ago and after viewing the results, blood work and a stress test was schedule. Normal procedures, but moved up from the June date they were originally scheduled for after I shared my concerns with the cardiologist at that April visit. Yes, I do think God encouraged me to attend that appointment.
Just 7 days ago, my husband and I went to a friend's wedding and celebrated his birthday weekend which included golfing. Six days ago my husband came home from work and cut the grass. 5 days ago he played softball and I watched him catch fly balls and run the bases not for one game, but for two as they playing a double header that evening. 4 days ago, he came home from work and went to the driving range(an activity he wanted to begin to do weekly once the weather was warm) and 3 days ago, I got a phone call from a doctor telling me that my husband had passed out during his stress test and to meet the doctor at the hospital where they were next doing a cardiac catherization.
After the catherization, the doctor met with me and told me that while all the arteries were clear, my husband's aortic valve was functioning at less than 10% capacity and in his words, "...you have really dodged a bullet, he was hours not days away from a probable heart attack". Open heart surgery was scheduled for 8 a.m. the next morning.
Staying over night with my husband, neither of us slept but we talked and prayed and most of all comforted one another with the thought that this was God's plan. Surgery was scheduled for Friday the 13th and for us, that was an omen. You see, I met my husband on a Friday the 13th, got his fraternity pin on a Friday the 13th, engaged on another Friday the 13th and we married the day after a Friday the 13th...for us, this was just God's way of telling us it was "the right time."
I can't remember much about Friday except not wanting to let my husband's hands go as he went to surgery and feeling the tears overwhelm me with a sense of profound exhaustion and anxiety. I had wondered, "Did we say it all, do it all, what did we leave undone?" and then I remembered something I had read in a fabulous devotional called, Jesus Calling just a few days before, "Come to me with confident expectation. There is nothing you need, I cannot provide." I also remembered reading that if we are not confident in the Will and plan of God that it demonstrates we think we know what is better than God. In that moment, I whispered that I knew He had it all under control and that I was sure I should expect another miracle.
You see, my husband could have met with a much less favorable outcome had he suffered a heart attack while playing ball, on the golf course, while on the ladder doing repairs or even while driving, but God made sure that he was at a hospital having a stress test when the outcome became obvious. God allowed us to be in good hands from the moment he passed out and in my heart, I believe that God had "talked" to us by choosing a 13th...a date for us that we celebrate monthly since we first met.
On a few other occasions, I knew God directed me as well. I am so totally sure of it that when I tell others the story about those events as well, even unbelievers agree that it does seem to be more than just fate. I need no convincing. To some, perhaps my husband and I have dodged a bullet but to us, we have simply been guided by God's providence once again. I don't win lotteries or sweepstakes but I don't want luck. I will take the blessings of the Lord any day.
2 days ago I saw more than 29 tubes all over my husband's body covering his legs, neck, arms. I have worked in a hospital and honestly not seen anyone quite so surrounded by medical technology but today he and I went for a walk, only around the nurses station but still a walk...and without 1 tube attached!
You might believe in fate, coincidence or even luck...but for my husband and I, well we have been blessed not just now but several times by nothing short of miracles. Miracles daily, but we often only notice when we are caught off guard. I don't believe God will always give me my miracles...just His, and someday my miracle will hopefully be to join Him in eternity.
Have you had your miracle yet? Are there things in your life you once thought were the results of fate or just random acts that you have come to believe may have just been miracles even some you weren't looking for but that found you?
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