Image via WikipediaMaybe in the actual Twelve Days of Christmas song it was "five golden rings" but in today's world, what most people really need is 5 GOLDEN MINUTES. Certainly not the kind of minutes where you lock yourself in the bathroom just to get some sanity, although when my children were little, I easily could relate to that and not just five more minutes when you shut off the alarm and beg for just another bit of shut-eye...but GOLDEN MINUTES...minutes you would not trade for anything.
My dear friend Bobby Petrocelli says that if people would just take 10 seconds before they made a decision to stop and think about what they are about to do or not do, many things would be different and he is right, and I think if we gave ourselves permission to take 5 Golden Minutes each day to simply DO NOTHING but be...not be more kind, more outgoing, more thrifty, more studious, more patient or more active; although all of those might be great actions, I mean, just BE, it would make a huge difference as well.."BE" somewhere where you can just close your eyes and listen to a silence you might often never seek, or feel a sense of self you might never give yourself an opportunity to know.
Maybe in those 5 MINUTES, when you allow nothing to cross your mind, you will eventually reach a place where you can hear the Lord talk to you. It will be difficult at first as most new things are. You will be tempted to start to think of what you need to get when you go to the grocery store, or what to buy a friend for a birthday gift, or you will be thinking about whether you can pick up your dry cleaning, get a haircut and still be back home before the little ones get off the school bus...But if you deliberately keep thinking,
"5 GOLDEN MINUTES" and ask God to demonstrate what he wants from you and how he wants it during that time, you may be amazed at what you discover.
At first every minute might seem like an eternity, but eventually your 5 GOLDEN MINUTES will be gone so quickly that you will want more. People always say they wish they had more time but everyone has the same amount. It is how you use what you have that makes a difference and everyone needs a sweet spot in their day when all that is required is to be still and wait.
SO the 5th MAY of CHRISTMAS is simply:
Image by AbAberson via Flickr
Be quiet. Be ready and Be...and what you learn in those 5 MINUTES may move your soul beyond anything you can imagine.
Want to really hear God's voice? The world often drowns out His attempts to call us, but in those 5 MINUTES you might finally have the conversation of your lifetime.
Be still and know that I am God...Psalm 46:10
What a beautiful blessing to share! Thank you Kathy.