Image via Wikipedia
Do you have a difficult time choosing whether you should commit to something or not? Do you find yourself often regretting saying "yes" when you really would rather not have committed or feeling guilty about saying "no" when it looks like everyone else jumped on the band wagon and is willing to participate. You can't take a side of "maybe" for some things in your life that require a decision and commitment.
It's easy to follow what the crowd does but sometimes it's not really want we want to do or not really what we are enthusiastic about, energized for or even moved by. Sometimes the band wagon is going places we don't really care about but we tend to go along because it is simply easier than opting out or admitting we are not going to support a cause. But that is neither honest nor healthy. Everyone has to do some things they aren't always thrilled about, but when given a choice about participation or commitment, it is important to recognize what you are willing to put your signature on.
Image by tejvanphotos via Flickr
Many commit to far more activities than they can truly offer any substance toward and consequently they are spread so thin, the impact they could make is barely felt. It is important to discern what you really believe in, enjoy, support or feel represents your values. Just because everyone else volunteers at a homeless shelter or contributes to a charity doesn't mean that is for you. You may find yourself far more committed to making an impact in a different type of activity. You should never feel obligated or committed if your heart and soul don't feel it is what you want. It's important to share your time and gifts to make this world a better place but you will hardly be effective making the world a better place if it makes you unhappy, uncomfortable or unsure.
Image by donnamarijne via Flickr
Never do anything for appearances sake because sooner of later the only thing that is apparent is less than your heart and soul was in it. Everyone needs to remember that sometimes saying, "no," or not participating is the right choice. Choose to sponsor, support or invest time in a few things you can do well and stop feeling a need to contribute to every opportunity out of guilt, obligation, social pressure or cultural mores. Be authentic in your decisions...Be true to yourself.Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
Matthew 5:37
I absolutely love this post, Kathy and don't we all need to hear this? Due to some dramatic changes in my family situation, I've totally opted out of many of the usual Christmas decorations, activities etc. It is at once freeing and sad but it has caused me to not only focus on the real meaning of Christmas but to have a new perspective altogether. So much of what we do for Christmas is not only unnecessary, it is unappreciated and unwanted.